Figuring out finance, one dumb question at a time.
Don’t know what a mutual fund is? Forget just exactly what a Roth IRA is? Don’t know who the fuck Warren Buffett is or why he’s important? Then come sit by us. We are Women on the Verge of a Financial Breakthrough, and so are you!
Beginners welcome!
Women on the Verge of a Financial Breakthrough is a podcast for women who want to plan their financial futures, but need to understand the freaking fancy pants words, terms, and overall intimidating concepts, first. In our weekly episodes, Caitlin, the dummy, asks Sara, the expert, very basic questions about decoding the mysterious vocabulary and ideas used in financial discussions and planning.

Listen to our podcast!
Start from the beginning, or choose a topic you’ve always been wondering about. Listen alone, listen with a friend. Take notes on your notebook or type into your phone. The most important thing is that your financial future STARTS NOW.
We are your hosts, Caitlin and Sara.
Dummy, meet expert.
We met in 2014 at an Investing for Beginners class Sara was teaching at UT Austin. Sara was there because of her passion for educating women about finance and investing. Caitlin was there because of free babysitting.

Ask Sara a dumb question!
Have something you’ve always wanted to understand about finance or investing but were too embarrassed to ask? Caitlin will do it for you!